If you have been thinking about therapy for yourself, this checklist can help you to determine if therapy would be helpful. Consider the following statements as quickly and honestly as possible.
While there are many reasons people seek therapy, if three or more of the statements from the list fit your situation (or even one that is causing you undue distress), you may find that talking with a qualified therapist can help you. The hardest step is making that first appointment and admitting to yourself that you need help. It takes a lot of strength but can change your life in ways you’ve never thought possible.
The person you choose should be qualified, but, in addition, you must feel comfortable providing the kind of detailed and intimate information required for a productive outcome.
Interview two or three professionals in your area.
Will you have easy access to the doctor?
Are calls answered immediately or do you have to navigate through a voicemail maze?
Is the staff friendly, sensitive and discrete?
Doctorate or master’s degree from a reputable institution.
Certification in a specialty area from an accredited and nationally-recognized organization.
Supervised clinical training.
Experience with helping others in similar situation to your own.
Is it someone who makes you feel understood and accepted?
Are they able to provide feedback and interaction that is meaningful?
Is this the therapeutic relationship and environment that can help you with life changes and life enhancement?
A sound knowledge of the anatomical and physiological bases of the sexual response.
Completed post graduate training in such areas as sexual function and dysfunction, sex counseling and sex therapy.
Expertise in relationship counseling and psychotherapy.
A strict code of ethics.
Dr. Amy Demner
Sex Health Guru Video Tip brought to you by Alice W. Kp M.D. John Hopkins Hospital, Watch the Video
The Truth about HSV-1 and HSV-2 American Social Health Association (ASHA), read the Article
Do you also think you may have been exposed to another STD? Find help now. www.stdsite.com