Don’t have another sleepless night!
Take action and get tested.
Get your confidential culture test at Private Diagnostic Link on our home page. Purchase a kit and in the privacy of your home, you can take a culture sample and mail it to the lab. Private Diagnostics will get the result. You will have a password to keep all communications discreet and private.
Purchase a confidential urine test at for Gonorrhea at the Private Diagnostic Link on our home page Get a kit and in the privacy of your home, you can take a urine sample and mail it to the lab. Private Diagnostics will get the result. You will have a password to keep all communications discreet and private.
Women often have no symptoms and can unknowingly transmit it to their sexual partners. Symptoms may include a bloody or yellow vaginal discharge and/or painful or burning sensations when urinating. This can eventually turn into PID if not treated. Men’s symptoms can be more severe with penile discharge and more intense burning while urinating.
Purchase a confidential urine test at for Chlamydia at the Private Diagnostic Link on our home page Get a kit and in the privacy of your home, you can take a urine sample and mail it to the lab. Private Diagnostics will get the result. You will have a password to keep all communications discreet and private.
Most symptoms are mild to none, but for women, left untreated, can lead to infertility and PID.
Purchase at home tests at Private Diagnostics link on home page
Sex Health Guru Video Tip brought to you by Alice W. Kp M.D. John Hopkins Hospital, Watch the Video
The Truth about HSV-1 and HSV-2 American Social Health Association (ASHA), read the Article
Do you also think you may have been exposed to another STD? Find help now.