Use these resources to help control your herpes
Herpes E-Book
The E-Book is the downloadable version of the People Talk About….Herpes Book
Herpes Help Book
The paperback book with information on herpes, doctors’ answer questions, and people share their experiences
Local Help Groups
A list of the support groups in the US, Canada, and other countries
Herpes News!
News Articles with Information on vaccines, statistics, research, and more
Immune System
Dr. Keller’s Article explaining herpes and the immune system
Comprehensive articles about herpes
Doctors answer questions about herpes
Herpes Products
Products to help manage herpes
Sex Health Guru Video Tip brought to you by Alice W. Kp M.D. John Hopkins Hospital, Watch the Video
The Truth about HSV-1 and HSV-2 American Social Health Association (ASHA), read the Article
Do you also think you may have been exposed to another STD? Find help now.