I have a question in relation to the Immunoglobulin value
in a person infected with herpes simplex virus. Please
explain IgM and IgG.
Initially the antibody that appears is IgM. It is non-specific
but it occurs very rapidly. The more specific antibody
and the one that will control infections is the IgG antibody
and that appears later. As a result during the initial outbreak,
one would expect IgM and over time the IgM would be
replaced by IgG. Were you to contract a second dose of
herpes, it would be IgG not IgM that would increase.
Sex Health Guru Video Tip brought to you by Alice W. Kp M.D. John Hopkins Hospital, Watch the Video
The Truth about HSV-1 and HSV-2 American Social Health Association (ASHA), read the Article
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