Daily Symptoms

Dear Dr. Rob:

I am happy to find your column. I have read all (I think) of you answers to questions and have not found discussion on my questions. To make a long story short
I have been hospitalized with viral meningitis 2 times in 5 months and my doctor (infectious disease specialist) has determined it was caused by HSV 2. My first hospitalization was the beginning of September, I never recovered fully, then second bout with meningitis was the beginning of February. I am on Acyclovir now (since the second infection). I understand that it (meningitis) may reoccur, just like anyone else’s herpes outbreaks. My concern at this point is that I seem to be taking a very long time to recover, and even though I am working closely with my doctor, I am interested in any thoughts you may have. It seems like everything I read about herpes indicates that after an outbreak, everything clears up and the person is “fine”. I am still plagued with headaches, tingling in my groin, low-grade fever (99.6°), nausea and fatigue, daily. I have been home from the hospital for 6 weeks now. I am not asking for a diagnosis, but just some thoughts. I know this is fairly rare and am wondering if you know of any studies, or hospitals, or specific doctors, or support groups I can contact. Thank you so much for your time, it is really a great thing you are doing for people.

Dr. Rob’s Response:

Dear Jennifer:

As you correctly point out, it is impossible to diagnose under those circumstances. I would suggest that you consider switching the Acyclovir to Valcyclovir, which is significantly more effective and also go on Lysine 1 gram twice a day. In addition, I would suggest that you see an immunologist as this recurrence of infection suggests that your immune system is not correctly handling the virus and therefore, there could be a problem that may be fixable. I hope this is of help.


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