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Dear Dr. Rob:

I just turned 24. I just got some weird itching, stinging small blisters on my thighs. I have only had sex with 1 person, but I have not had anything that may have been constituted as “signs” until about a week ago. I should also point out that while the “night life” has only gone on for about 3 months, I have suffered from rashes and severe itching years and years before I ever sexually touched a woman. Is there a possibility that I may have had the virus before and is now just waking up? My girlfriend seems to be very healthy and has never had any problems, but I’ve read that symptoms sometimes aren’t even noticeable.

Dr. Rob’s Response:

Dear 24 year old with Symptoms:

You are correct; symptoms may not be present in either party.  I’m not
quite sure that the weird itching and stinging small blisters on your thighs keynotes herpes.  I would suggest, since it has been 3 months that a Herpes Select Test would give you the diagnosis and allow you to plan your life and sexual activity more appropriately. 


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