Can you Give me info on Herpetic Neuralgia?

Dear Dr. Tom:

Hi!! My name is Lorene and I am doing a paper on post herpetic neuralgia. I have been trying to find some information but not much luck.

I am trying to find a pathophysiology, risk factors, etiology and clinical manifestations (nursing stuff). While waiting for your response, I will be checking other resources.
Thank You!! Lorene

Dr. Tom’s Response:

Dear Lorene:

If you are doing “nursing stuff” you may be in the location where you have access to a university or medical library. If not, many community libraries are able to access such libraries via the web, consult Index Medicus alphabetically for what you seek. Biological Abstracts is another general index that may help you. You may find The Reader’s Guide to Periodic Literature helpful as well, and most community libraries have it. If you do not have computer access you can present your request at the reference desk of the libraries described and request a search. They will ask you to define a search period, ie., how far back do you wish to go, language, English only or world- wide, etc.. This will usually require a week or more, depending upon how busy the library may be. Such requests require a fee for service. Computer stations that serve as catalogs to shelved holdings in a university or medical library will give reference to textbooks that deal with the material you seek. Numerous hard cover texts dealing with herpes viruses are on the shelves. Such searches are usually fun. Good hunting!


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