Herpetic Neuralgia

Dear Dr. Rob:

I have had HSV for 17 years and have only had outbreaks about once or twice a year usually in the same area as the initial outbreak. The outbreaks are uncomfortable but not unbearable and last a few days. But 2 weeks ago I had an outbreak in an area I have never had one before and it still going on. In fact, the pain is almost unbearable. It is burning so badly even after the sore has healed. I have taken Advil, Tylenol, Acyclovir, and even a Vicodin for pain and get absolutely no relief. The pain is actually shooting from the sore to my abdomen. Do you think I’m having an outbreak or is this something else? Could I have given this to myself in another area without knowing it? I have recently started dating someone who says he doesn’t have HSV. Do you think he could have it unknowingly and have reinfected me in a new area? I’m also having a lot of itching around my hip and lower back area on the same side of the body where the sore is.
Thanks for your help.

Dr. Rob’s Response:

Dear TM:

You presented interesting conundrum, which I cannot completely answer.  It is possible that your new boyfriend transmitted it to you. It is possible that your lesion occurred in a different place of its own accord, since when herpes leaves the nerves in the lower part of the abdomen, called the Perineal area, it can go to any place on the skin. 
The fact that you are still in severe pain suggest very strongly that you should be on Valcyclovir, 1 gram twice a day, as a way of reducing it before you end up with Herpetic Neuralgia.  There are some new medicines, but I would try this one first. 

I doubt the itching is Herpes, and therefore I believe it will not be transmitted to your son, but again I think a work up with a dermatologist would be in your best interest. 


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