I Began Sleeping with a Woman with Herpes

Dear Dr. Rob:

About a year and a half ago I began seeing and sleeping
with a woman who told me she was infected with herpes.
I had unprotected sex with her and performed oral sex with her.
She told me she was on medication for it and hadn`t had an
outbreak in a year… I mistakenly thought that she couldn`t
spread it to me. Since then I developed tiny red bumps on
my buttocks and legs (inner thighs towards the crotch) but
never on my genitalia itself. My doctor has told me twice
now that I DO NOT have herpes. I am a bicycle racer and
shave my legs and buttocks all the way up and he says that
and new underwear has irritated my skin… but I`m scarred
because I have a new girlfriend now that I adore and don`t
know what to do and refuse to get intimate with her till I
know 100%. Should I go back to my doctor and demand
a test? He took a blood test for other diseases which all
came back negative. Sorry to be so long winded but I`d
be indebted to any advice.

Dr Rob’s Response:

Dear David:

It is possible you have escaped unscathed but I cannot state
that with certainty unless you get a Herpes Select Test.
The lesions you described can well be from herpes from
your activity. Getting a Herpes Select Test will give you
the correct answer, and I would state that it would be worth
while for you to use protection during sex from here on out
to prevent any further possibility of you becoming infected.


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