I had Sex in a Hot Tub with Herpes

Dear Dr. Rob:

I contracted Genital Herpes 17 years ago. I am currently
seeing a guy and we went to a hot tub and had intercourse
and he performed oral sex on me. He knows I have the
virus and chose not to protect himself. He felt that he could
not get infected because the chlorine in the water would kill
the virus along with the hot water? It has been over a month
since the hot tub encounter and he has not shown any signs
of being infected. Can hot water and chlorine kill the virus?
Concerned in Detroit

Dr Rob’s Response:

Dear Concerned in Detroit:

I am not aware that hot water or chlorine, present to the
extent that would be in a hot tub, would preclude the
possibility of contracting herpes through oral sex. On the
other hand, it is quite possible that at that time you were not
shedding, and therefore, he did not contract the virus. Having
escaped the bullet once, I would not try to repeat that miracle.


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