One Sexual Partner

Dear Dr. Rob:

I have recently been told I have herpes. I have only had one sexual partner so I know I got it from him. He has never shown any symptom of the disease and is having difficulty believing that he has it. We are in love and plan to stay together forever. So, my question is, since we obviously both have herpes will we have to continue using condoms for the rest of our lives? Can we have unprotected sex in between my outbreaks?
Signed: Have Herpes and am in LOVE

Dr. Rob’s Response:

Dear Have Herpes and am in LOVE:

The fact that he has it, but has not been diagnosed and you have been diagnosed is somewhat murky. Have you both been tested using the Herpes Select Test as a way of ascertaining which one it is? It is possible, if either of you had lesions, it could be Herpes Type 1 or Herpes Type 2 or both. So, I’m at a loss to tell you anything further until you give me the results of the tests. I believe it is important to do this as your long term health is a consideration, given the fact you have chosen to stay together.


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